Flipped Classrooms

​The Flipped Classroom: Moving group learning into individual learning. The teacher is more of a facilitator of learning rather than a “sage of the stage”. You are there to guide their learning instead of standing up front lecturing the entire time. When you have the instruction outside of the classroom you are able to have more hands on activities in the classroom. Students are able to get more of the help that they need from the teacher when they listen to the lectures outside of the classroom. It also allows students to get more help in schools that they may not get at home.
Albanese, Judith, and Sarah Bush. “The Flipped Classroom: An Avenue for Student-Centered Learning.” Nctm.org, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 30 Mar. 2015, www.nctm.org/Publications/Mathematics-Teaching-in-Middle-School/Blog/The-Flipped-Classroom_-An-Avenue-for-Student-Centered-Learning/.
Brame, Cynthia. “Flipping the Classroom.” Vanderbilt University, Vanderbilt University, 31 Jan. 1970, cft.vanderbilt.edu/guides-sub-pages/flipping-the-classroom/.
Nielsen, Lisa. “Five Reasons I'm Not Flipping Over The Flipped Classroom.” Lisa Nielsen: The Innovative Educator, Awesome Inc., 8 Oct. 2011, theinnovativeeducator.blogspot.com/2011/10/five-reasons-im-not-flipping-over.html.
Flipping the Classroom: There is lots of research showing that flipped classrooms having significantly higher learning gains than traditional classrooms. It encourages time for more classroom discussion because you aren’t wasting class time teaching, the students are able to share their knowledge and thoughts with one another. It also provides an incentive for students to come to class prepared, they have to watch the lectures to follow along and it teaches them responsibility.
5 Reasons I’m Not Flipping my Classroom: We have yet to bridge the digital divide, many students don’t have access to technology and in that case how would they get anything out of class. Flipped homework is still homework. More time for bad pedagogy. Grouping by date of manufacture, you need to not overlook that each student is at a different level and moving at a different pace. Lecturing does not equal learning. It is just a new way for students to get information.